Examination Committee

The overall aim of Exam cell committee is to co-ordinate the conduct of Internal assessments, End examinations, Practical examinations, University end examinations, and prepare the consolidated Results, to organize and conduct University valuations, to make inventory of the required Stationery well in advance and put the requisition of  the required items to the Stores Dept. at least 1 month in advance, to guide the students regarding Examination related matters, to ensure that the mark lists are submitted by the lecturers to the Examination Section by due dates and the Statement of Marks are given to the Students / Parents  within the stipulated time, to refer cases of malpractice in the examination to the Unfair Means Inquiry Committee / Examination Grievances Committee for necessary action, to process the exam remuneration bills on time, to prepare course/program wise distribution of pass percentage and  submit the same to the principal.


The broad objectives of EXAM CELL are:

  • To evaluate the students performance by the conduction of examinations.
  • Bringing more transparency in the examination and evaluation system.
  • To bring reputation to the organization.
  • To produce knowledgeable engineers to the society.
  • To bring eminent personalities to the college for evaluating the knowledge of the students.
  • To generate revenue to the institution.
  • To disseminate the information related to stakeholders.
  • Helping the society for evaluating the stakeholders by conducting various competitive examinations.

 Exam cell in charge

The Exam cell In charge, who is a member of the teaching faculty should have the awareness of conducting the examinations and spot valuation.. He/she should be able build confidence in the students that the examinations are conducted in fair and transparent manner.

Aims of Exam cell /Activities

1) Conduction of internal, external theory examinations and practical examinations.

2) Conduction of spot valuation work.

3) Preparation of promoted list.

4) Distribution of marks memos.

5) Maintaining the stock required for the conduction of examinations.

6) Conduction of various competitive examinations.

7) Preparing the remuneration bills to distribute the honorarium to the duty staff.

8) Collecting the feedback from the stake holders.

9) Developing the Result Analysis reports for analyzing performance of students.

10) Collecting the fees related to the examinations.

Committee Members








Dean (Academics)

Computers Science

Controller of Examinations


Mr.T.Naveen Kumar

Office In charge


Asst. COE



Vice Principal




Mr.VVNVinayaka Prasad

Asst. Professor

